Utility Rates
New Connection | $150.00 |
Reconnection | $100.00 |
Replacement Meter | $150.00 |
Renter Services | $150.00 |
Late Fee Service Charge | $10.00 |
Water Base Fee | $25.00 |
Water per 1,000 Gallons | $10.12 |
Sewer Base Fee | $7.00 |
Sewer per 1,000 Gallons | $4.36 |
Service Connection (June Only) | $6.60 |
35 Gallon Garbage | $11.12 |
65 Gallon Garbage | $14.99 |
95 Gallon Garbage | $18.25 |
Fire Hydrant Use(per 1,000 Gallons) | $15.00 |
General City Rates
Administrative Fee (offenses) | $25.00 |
Photocopies | $0.25 |
Fax (Per Page) | $1.00 |
Fire Department Call | $750.00 |
Public Nuisances/General Prohibition | $Actual Cost + Administrative Fee |
Peddlers | $25.00 |
Restaurants or Food Services | $100.00 |
Tattooing and Body Piercing | $100.00 |
Permits & License Rates
Dog/Cat Lifetime License | $50.00 |
Care of Impounded Animal | Actual Cost + Administrative Fee |
Burning Permit | $10.00 |
Burning w/out Permit | $25.00 |
Building Permit | Varies |
Demolition Permit | Varies |
Plats | $150.00 |
Park Rental Deposit | $50.00 |
Tobacco License (Yearly) | $15.00 |
Alcohol Permit (Yearly) | Varies |
Recreational Vehicle Permit | $5.00 |
Violation for Recreation Vehicle | $10.00 |