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November Newsletter

The Vesta American Legion Post 306 is excited to announce Bingo is on this year!  It will be held on November 19th at 7:30pm. Lunch will be served by the auxiliary.


At the October 20th Special Meeting the City Council honored their intent to purchase with the Vesta School.

Hearing concerns from the community about the safety of the school building, the City Council had the building inspected for radon, asbestos and mold.  The results of the inspection yielded no issues with mold and minimal concern/recommendations regarding radon mitigation and asbestos removal.  We received quotes to mitigate these concerns and the seller agreed to reduce the price by these amounts, with a final purchase price of $76,613.00.

There is much work ahead but the council is excited for the opportunities that this facility will bring to the community, more to come on this.